August 30, 2022
Wild Alaska Pollock Leaders to Discuss Industry ‘Then and Now’

SEATTLE, Wash.—A discussion about the evolution of the Wild Alaska Pollock fishery will close out the robust agenda at the annual Wild Alaska Pollock meeting to be held on October 17, 2022 at the Westin Seattle the Association of Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers (GAPP) announced today. Wally Pereyra, Chairman of Arctic Storm Management Group, Doug Christensen, President & CEO of Arctic Storm and Jim Johnson, President & CEO of Glacier Fish Company, LLC will share the stage to take a look back at the Wild Alaska Pollock industry, in a panel discussion moderated by GAPP Chairman of the Board and President & CEO of Global Seas, Bob Desautel.
“Our fishery has come such a long way and this panel is the perfect way to cap off our meeting and bring all of the previous sessions together,” said Craig Morris, Chief Executive Officer of GAPP. “You’ve truly got three perspectives on this panel that span the life of the Wild Alaska Pollock industry—past, present and future. I think it’s going to be a thought-provoking session that is a must-see for our attendees.”
The panel, conceived by Desautel, will feature Pereyra, representing the perspective of the industry since its inception, Christensen, talking about the growth of the industry the last decade, and Johnson, who will share his thoughts on the future and what’s next for both the fish and fishery.
“You can’t find more distinguished, visionary, and passionate leaders than Wally, Jim and Doug,” said Desautel, GAPP Chairman. “I’m excited to get them on stage and really take a look back at how far our fish has come and share those lessons of progress to help our attendees think about applying those hard-learned lessons to continue driving towards the brightest future for Wild Alaska Pollock.”
The event will begin at 8:00 am and last until 5:00 pm with a reception to immediately follow. Information about the event’s theme and a detailed agenda is available on the GAPP website.
In addition to Title Sponsor the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, GAPP would like to thank its other event sponsors: Global Seas, UniSea, American Seafoods, Trident, Glacier Fish, Arctic Storm, Resolve Marine Group, Urner Barry, Port of Seattle, Aquamar, Alaska Ship Supply, Gorton’s, Seafood Nutrition Partnership, Ketchum, Northwest Farm Credit Services, OBI Seafoods, Golden Alaska, Petro Marine, Coastal Villages Region Fund, HPN Global, Baader, Angulas Aguinaga, High Liner Foods, Eat Well Global, Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation, Lafferty’s EMS, Beck Pack Systems, Clark Nuber, HomeStreet Bank, Aluetian-Pribilof Island Community Development Association, Alaskan Observers, Inc., Aluetian-Pribilof Island Community Development Association, Central Bering Sea Fishermen's Association, Net Your Problem, Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation, Perkins Coie, Restaurant Depot, Seafood 101, Sysco Pacific NW, Wells Fargo and Alaskan Observers, Inc.
Companies interested in sponsoring this event can contact GAPP for more information at [email protected].